Kathleen's YouTube Membership

As a member of Kathleen's YouTube channel, you will get the following perks! 


Community Squad

Exclusive access to loyalty badges in comments and live chat 

New-member badge:

Month 1 badge:

 Month 2 badge:

 Month 6 badge:

 Month 12 badge:

 Month 24 badge:

Custom emojis like:


Facebook Group

Access to our private Facebook community where you can share likeminded posts.

Instructions: https://bit.ly/2YTOucn


Instagram Community

Positivity or Growth. VIP's of 6 months or more get a chance to be in a pod with Kat 

Instructions: https://forms.gle/pmNjTka7qoqs3zqk9


Special Discounts to Lights Label and Lights Lacquer



Tags: YouTube